Saturday, January 31, 2009

Excellent and inexpensive image editor


Screen Cast 1
Screen Cast 2

Enabling built-in vnc server

A VNC server is included in Mac OS X 10.4+

Setting global environment variables

defaults write $HOME/.MacOSX/environment "key" "value"

Note: Must log out and log back in to take effect

bash aliases setup

echo 'alias "ls"="/bin/ls -G"' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'alias "ll"="/bin/ls -lG"' >> ~/.bash_profile

Finder Button to Show/Hide Hidden Files

Finder Button to Show/Hide Hidden Files in OS X

Friday, January 30, 2009

Firefox setup

Use MultiFirefox to launch profile specific Firefox sessions:

Create a new developer profile by launching MultiFirefox and selecting "Show ProfileManager":

Create a new developer profile:

Web developer addons: